Ryan Sager of the New York Post has an interesting post regarding Campaign Finance "Reform." (HT: Instapundit)
"CAMPAIGN-FINANCE reform has been an immense scam perpetrated on the American people by a cadre of left-wing foundations and disguised as a "mass movement."
"Charged with promoting campaign-finance reform when [Sean Treglia, program manager of Pew Charitable Trusts] joined Pew in the mid-1990s, Treglia came up with a three-pronged strategy: 1) pursue an expansive agenda through incremental reforms, 2) pay for a handful of "experts" all over the country with foundation money and 3) create fake business, minority and religious groups to pound the table for reform."
"From 1994 to 2004, almost $140 million was spent to lobby for changes to our country's campaign-finance laws."
"But this money didn't come from little old ladies making do with cat food so they could send a $20 check to Common Cause. The vast majority of this money — $123 million, 88 percent of the total — came from just eight liberal foundations."
Wait till you read how the money was spent.
There is a video tape of Treglia admitting as much on Ryan Sager's blog.
This really stinks.