Accountability continues to be an issue with Old Media. In fact, Michelle Malkin (and Powerline) continues to press the issue.
In her latest post, Michelle Malkin nails the Washington Post in its latest attempt to spin the truth. Go see her post.
I agree with Michelle Malkin's question:
"If the Post never reported that the memo was distributed by party leaders, as Allen now asserts, the Reuters story is in error. Isn't the Post, which carried the story, obligated to run a correction?"
Or, are they in so deep that a retraction now goes to the heart of accountability and their credibility? Didn't anyone learn from the CBS Memo (i.e., Rathergate) scandal?
The MSM learned that its better to smear America with an imaginary person (deep throat) than one dead 22 years.
Posted by: Jo macDougal | Saturday, 02 April 2005 at 15:19