The Weekly Standard's Reuel Marc Gerecht (HT: RealClearPolitics) lays out a strategic map of the middle east and what we should do in each of the countries. I especially liked Gerecht's point regarding Iraq:
"There are many things the administration should do to exploit the people power of Iraq, but first and foremost is an Iraqi C-SPAN controlled by Iraqis. There is a large audience in the Arab world, especially in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, just waiting to see the next episode from Baghdad. Let the millions watch Saddam's trial live. Republicans and Democrats who believe in spreading democracy in the Muslim Middle East shouldn't disappoint these hungry viewers. Perhaps Osama bin Laden will also watch and see the end of his dreams."
I like fresh thinking and wish we could see more of it in our schools and MSM. Instead of listening to lecture after lecture about what has already happened (i.e., "fighting the last war")...why not discuss and debate what should be done?
As military professionals, we need more thinking and less regurgitation of facts and doctrine (not that they are not important)...but we need to get out of what appears to be an "echo chamber" and prepare for the next phase/conflict.